Deadly Mentorz Cultural Programs
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Deadly Mentorz Cultural Programs
First Peoples, Aboriginal Mentoring. Deadly Mentorz provide a range of Cultural Programs designed to improve personal & team leadership capabilities. Keywords: Naomi Deadly Mentorz, First Peoples Mentoring, Culture, Aboriginal Education, Leadership, Aspirations, First Nations Cultural Safety.
We want you to Dream, Believe it will Happen, & Succeed!

Naomi, Director of Deadly Mentorz


Acknowledgement of Country:

I’m a proud Saltwater Woman with my Aboriginal origins from Borroloola on the East Coast of the Northern Territory my mob are Yanyuwa. It is customary when we are on country to pay respect to the Traditional Custodians on whose land we are meeting on. I’d like to Acknowledge the Traditional Custodians across the Nation and pay my deepest respects to Elders, past, present, and to our emerging leaders of the future. I ask all of you to walk gently, as we pass through country, and be mindful to take a moment, as we walk on this country to remember this would have been a very significant place many thousands of years ago, and still very much is for the Traditional Custodians. I ask the Ancestors to guide us, on our journey.

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Welcome to our journey, I’m Naomi, a proud saltwater woman.

I’m the Director of Deadly Mentorz.

This is the beginning of our yarn UP, to mentor, share Story, and Walk gently on Country.

My family and I (see below) are passionate about sharing our culture & passing on a positive legacy.

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Our Deadly journey

Deadly Mentorz is a unique, innovative, creative, First Peoples owned consulting business. We lead with passion, & dedication. Founded by our passionate, brave and bold Director.

 We wish for everyone to aspire to be the best version of themselves, you are what is within.

Naomi is a strong, proud Saltwater woman, her mob are Yanyuwa from Borroloola, and Darwin in the Northern Territory. Naomi is from a culturally diverse background, with Spanish Filipino, Italian, Irish, and South African ancestry.  .



Deadly Mentorz has a suite of diverse cultural safety & leadership programs. Mixed with a fusion of First Peoples Culture. We can work with you directly to find the best cultural solution, to develop yourself, your team, students, and community. 

Deadly Mentorz Cultural Programs is currently consulting to the Department of Education, Catholic Education Office and various Corporate Clients, Universities, local government councils and aged care providers. We develop programs in consultation, and deliver mentoring and cultural safety, leadership/coaching programs. One of which is Deadly Mentorz Saltwater Leaders Level One Program, and this can be delivered online or onsite for our diverse customers across the world.


our mission & Ethos

Deadly Mentorz strives for everyone to aspire to be the best version of themselves.

Our purpose is to build positive, authentic relationships, across all cultural backgrounds.

adding a fusion of First peoples CULTURE to FUEL your development & aspirations.

OUR GOAL IS to deliver Cultural programs, projects & events driven by innovation, creativity, & Passion.

ensuring always to walk gently on country.

Listening actively to our ancestors, and elders.

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